Greetings, gamers!  This page is home to resources for playing HODL UP including how-to-play videos, resource links and fun HIPS (aka as house rule options aka "Hodl Up Improvement Proposals").

Have fun.  Enjoy some fellowship.  Reach out if you have questions. 

Happy Hodling!

- Scott, game designer

P.S.  If you're new to Bitcoin, I recommend you check my book "Teaching through Games". You can can get a free copy  


How to Play HODL UP (for first time players)



HODL UP Versions

One great game ... Multiple fun versions ... 

All versions have the same rules but vary in style, so be aware videos may look a little different than your copy.  



 Hodl Up Improvement Proposals (HIPS) (aka "house rules")

[coming soon ... We'll add some of the suggestions people have had to add to the game ... ]



New Zeland


El Salvadore


United States


More locations coming soon!

If you, or someone you know, are passionate about making these games available in your country, email Account@FreeMarketKids.com for wholesale details.

We tailor our offers to our small, niche, bitcoin space.

What they say about us


“Best Bitcoin game ever!”

Matt O'Dell
Citadel Dispatch

“This game is REALLY fun.  … I was so impressed with the game theory he used in building this game – Bravo sir!”  

Preston Pysh
The Investor’s Podcast Network

"The best Bitcoin game I've played! It's a fun game on its own, but the Bitcoin parallels make it an excellent teaching tool too!"

HODL UP Player

"HODL UP is a fun game. Almost as easy as playing Uno. Cool thing is that... it is all based on crypto-currency. Playing enabled my children and me to learn as we mined coins! Its accessible gameplay makes it both a family-friendly game and an educational experience. Highly recommend!"

S.E. Lindberg
Creator of Dyscrasia Fiction & Managing Editor at Black Gate

"I was so excited to learn that Scott and his family created a Bitcoin-themed board game. I played it once and I was hooked: I had to buy a copy of my own (using the Lightning network, of course). This game brings into focus many of the key concepts and features of the Bitcoin network and prompts important questions and discussions with folks who have not yet been orange-pilled. Meanwhile, we are all playing a well-balanced and fun board game!"

HODL UP Player

"Loved playing this game! Super fun intro to the fundamentals!"

HODL UP Player